Working together, we can end homelessness in Falmouth.

Ways to Give

Thank you in advance for your interest in supporting Belonging To Each Other (BTEO). Your gifts are part of the safety net that helps our unstably housed neighbors work with us to heal, commit to a plan with our staff, and begin their journey back to stable, permanent housing.

There are many ways YOU can make a difference:

Make a one-time donation to bteo

One-time Donations

Monthly Giving

Monthly Giving

Donor Advised Funds and Required Monthly Distributions

Donor Advised Funds and Required Minimum Distributions

Social Media Fundraisers

Facebook Fundraiser

Stock Gifts

Stock Gifts

Bequests and Estate Planning

Bequests and Estate Planning

Donate your solar credits to BTEO

Donate Solar Credits

In Honor or Memory of Someone Special

In Honor or Memory
of Someone Special

For information on any of the Ways to Give, please contact Gina Torielli, BTEO Executive Director, at 508-444-6360 or

Change a life today

Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our services to people in Falmouth who need housing for the cold weather months.